What Does Doula Supported Cesarean Birth Look Like?
Doulas provide amazing care and support to clients birthing in any situation, including cesareans. Birth is birth, no matter if your baby is coming vaginally or via c-section, and the informational and emotional support provided by your doula is invaluable.
It is always up to hospital policy and the attending doctors (usually the anesthesiologist) whether or not a doula is allowed in the operating room. I always ask, stating my own experience as a two-time cesarean mom myself, and my extensive training. If allowed, I will gown up with your partner and meet you in the OR.
If not allowed, I remain on the unit until you are in recovery. Mom is usually taken to the OR first, and her partner follows a few moments later. This allows me to check in with Dad, make sure he knows what to expect, and that he’s prepared to support you.
The most important thing to remember is that I won’t leave until you are ready for me to go. I will assist in your transfer to recovery, making sure that you have good pain control, assisting with breastfeeding, and helping you process your feelings and thoughts about your birth.
My goal is always to support you having a beautiful and empowering birth. This can happen in a delivery room, and this can happen in an OR. Whether your cesarean is scheduled, or your birth plan had to pivot to include one, your doula will be on hand as a part of your team to support you and your partner as you become parents.
Christine Rogers is a birth doula and childbirth educator in Alaska, serving Anchorage, Eagle River and the Mat-Su Valley. A mom of four, she works hard to ensure every client she serves has a positive and empowering birth experience. She can be reached online at www.drawneardoula.com, or emailed directly at drawneardoula@gmail.com.
Looking for more birth planning resources? Check out my free Birth Preferences Worksheet and free Guide to Choosing A Care Provider!